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The Incubator Project

What Does It Involve?

Nore Valley Park began the School Incubator Project in 2014, proving to be tremendously popular, we now provide our educational programme to almost 100 schools per year, across 12 counties. Due to popularity, this project is now offered to:


The Incubator Project is a simple 4-week process. An incubator will be delivered to the school/nursing home with seven fertile eggs which were laid by hens on our farm, and we will supply a short educational talk through the use of a video about the development and life cycle of a chicken and the hatching process that you can play in your premises.

We will come out to check the eggs and make sure everything is okay during the incubation process, and will be on call 24/7. It is a great chance to learn about the life cycle of chickens and take ownership over the eggs and chicks once they have hatched.

The project does have a fee starting from €325, which covers a minimum of three visits by us, incubator set up, dedicated 24/7 helpline, access to our educational material,  insurance and equipment maintenance costs. For participants more than 120km away from the farm we charge €350.

* For pricing, we use Google Maps to calculate the fastest route from our farm to your school, and determine cost according to the kilometre distance on the fastest route. *

If you would like to be considered, or if you have any questions about the School Incubator Project, please contact John or Leanne on (056)7727747 or


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